
Today, worldwide more than 6,000 employees are working on this permanent challenge at over 90 locations on all continents. Bruker systems cover a broad spectrum of applications in all fields of research and development and are used in all industrial production processes for the purpose of ensuring quality and process reliability. Bruker continues to build upon its extensive range of products and solutions, its broad base of installed systems and a strong reputation among its customers. Being one of the world's leading analytical instrumentation companies, Bruker is strongly committed to further fully meet its customers’ needs as well as to continue to develop state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions for today's analytical questions.

varna m FTIR/NIR spectoroscopy

varna m NMR


The HORIBA Group of worldwide companies provides an extensive array of instruments and systems for applications ranging from automotive R&D, process and environmental monitoring, in-vitro medical diagnostics, semiconductor manufacturing and metrology, to a broad range of scientific R&D and QC measurements. Proven quality and trustworthy performance have established widespread confidence in the HORIBA Brand.

varna m Surface plasmon resonance imaging

varna m Dynamic image analysis

varna m Laser diffraction

varna m Dynamic light scattering

varna m Spectroscopic ellipsometry

varna m Optical spectrometers and spectrographs

varna m Fluorescence microscopes

varna m Fluorescence life time spectroscopes

varna m Solid state spectroscopes

varna m X-ray fluorescence spectroscopes

varna m Glow discharge optical emission spectrometers

varna m Inductive coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers



HELMUT FISCHER is a leading specialist in solutions for coating thickness measurement, material analysis, microhardness and material testing. The company was founded in 1953 by Helmut Fischer.

varna m Micro hardness analyzers

varna m Nano indentors

varna m X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy



Biochrom has a long history of making quality scientific instruments for a wide range of applications in the clinical, life-science and industrial markets.

varna m Amino Acid Analysers

varna m Libra series spectrophotometers

varna m WPA series spectrophotometers
